Determining when to replace old kitchen appliances could be a little tricky. The choice is between whether to get it repaired or just take a leap of faith and splurge a giant amount for a new one. I come to you with five signs which will make your decision crystal clear of investing in new kitchen products. They are:
- Noisy
Towards the end of their lives, kitchen appliances tend to scream for help or some would say, repair. That is your number one clue, cling to it! If it’s noisy then something is seriously up. You mustn’t just run to Amazon to order, say a new refrigerator, it is imperative you look into the matter on your own a little. Most of the time, the appliance is not placed in a proper setting, which results in an annoying sound or even when something as minor as a worn out rubber might be causing the noise.
If you suppose that the repair costs a considerable amount, it’s wiser to get a new appliance as opposed to get it repaired because chances are it might ask for another repair sooner or later.
- Energy Efficiency
Another major sign is associated with the appliance’s energy efficiency. If the kitchen appliance is asking for more energy and is performing below average, it’s time for some changes. This change will not just save you a hefty repair bill but also the insanely big utility bill.
Going for appliances which are efficient is always a great idea. With time, most appliances lose this feature which takes a good amount to get repaired. This usually indicates that something is not too right in the heart of the machine. Such example is that of Costway Beverage Refrigerator. It is efficient and keeps your food fresh for a long time, keeping those utility bills under control.
- Leaking Water
Keeping in mind refrigerators, when they’re towards the end of their reign, they either start to freeze food to an extreme or stop cooling completely. Sometimes, refrigerators start to leak a lot of water as well, which is very dangerous if it’s placed by the sockets. A leak is another sign to replace your appliance instantly.
Water leaks are particularly bad as they can ruin the carpet and ask for frequent cleaning. It is better to take the leak seriously and look for a solution sooner than later. The leak could either be as a result of the damage of an internal part or something minor. If a situation like this occurs, it is better to weigh the cost of repairing it or just replace it completely.
- Poor Performance
This one’s pretty obvious, is it performing poorly? If yes, then there’s a problem that needs to be fixed. There are certain problems that arise with certain kitchen appliances like for instance, for a dishwasher, it might turn off in the middle of the cycle, wouldn’t fill completely with water or doesn’t drain completely. For a refrigerator, it might be condensing too much inside or the exterior is too hot to touch.
In such instances, it is vital you explore your options. If your appliance has been performing poorly even after a repair or two in the past, it’s time to bid your farewell and move on to the next one but if, it’s the first time or even the second and the repair doesn’t cost as much as the new one then it is better to spend a little on repairs.
- Age
All appliances come with an age or rather a life span. It is important to be aware of their average lifespan and be mindful with regard to maintaining them so that they operate efficiently for as long as possible. On average, most major appliances like that of a refrigerator, a dishwasher and a washer/dryer last about 10-15 years depending upon you’re maintenance and the frequency of use.
Average ages for particular appliances are:
- Refrigerator
The life of a refrigerator highly depends on its type and brand. On average a good refrigerator will last about 12 years and would ideally maintain a temperature between 37 and 40 degrees.
Here are a few recommendations for a new beverage refrigerator:
- Kalamera 15” Beverage cooler
- Danby 36 Bottle Freestanding Wine Cooler
- EdgeStar 103 Can and 5 Bottle Beverage Cooler
- BLACK+DECKER Compact Refrigerator
- Dishwasher
A dishwasher won’t disappoint you for around 10 years. But if it does, the spare parts are relatively cheaper than it would be for a refrigerator. Again, the age also varies with the brand as well your care of the appliance. Here are a few recommendations for dishwashers: