
How To Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle When Travelling For Work

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be challenging enough for those who work close to home, but when business travel is involved, keeping up with a healthy diet and exercise can be even more difficult. Although business travel can feel like a nice little getaway from the office life, many people struggle with the lack of routine, especially when it comes to sleep, eating and exercise. Here are some ways that you can keep up with your healthy habits whilst travelling for work. 


Eat Well During Your Trip

When people travel for business reasons, they become so focused on the work that is involved with the trip rather than eating well or just taking time away. This soon leads to tiredness, irritability and stress. Although it may seem hectic, it is vital that you are having breakfast in the mornings of your work trip as this helps to keep your metabolism running. It doesn’t need to be elaborate, a bowl of cereal and fruit is enough to provide your body with the energy it needs. 

Avoid snacking on sugary treats during the day, no matter how tempting it is. Instead of reaching for pastries and coffee, instead, try fruit or yoghurt with plenty of water.  At dinner times, enjoy a meal that is full of protein and vegetables rather than a quick takeaway or snacky convenience food. Your mind and body will feel so much better if you fuel it correctly. 


Find A “Healthy” Hotel

Staying in hotels for business trips makes it much easier for you to break your healthy habits. If you can, look for a hotel which has a gym or pool access should you need to switch off at the end of the day. Even hotels that are near parks or have a place for you to walk to after dinner will do you the world of good. 

When it comes to meal times, look for ways that you can improvise. If your room has a fridge or microwave, then it becomes so much easier for you to have meals in your room if the local offerings aren’t much good. Stock up on bottles of water to not only avoid hotel prices but to stay hydrated. You can keep fresh fruit and healthy snacks, such as nuts, boiled eggs and veg sticks in a fridge to enjoy as and when you want. 


Keeping Up With Your Fitness

Before you even leave for your trip, make sure that you pack your gym wear. Just as eating healthy on a trip can be difficult, it’s even more challenging to find the motivation to work out when away. Having your gym wear there and ready will make you more likely to hit the gym – high waisted gym leggings and a comfy t-shirt take up little to no room in your case, so there is no reason not to pack them to fit in your regular workouts. 

Take advantage of the onsite facilities whilst you are there or download online workout routines that you can do in your room in the morning or after your last meeting of the day. You can also do simple things, such as count your daily steps and set a target to hit, find local parks to walk around or even go for a jog around the block first thing in the morning to get it over with. Exercise helps to clear your mind and de-stress, so it is well worth it during a business trip.


Consider Other Forms Of Transport

It’s regular for commuters to get public transport when they need to travel to work. Common forms of transport involve taking the bus, the train or the tram. However, have you ever considered cycling or walking? (if it’s a reasonable enough distance from work). Although public transport is great to get you from A to B, they can sometimes be unhealthy to travel on. You’re exposed to potential unhealthy environments if the ventilation systems don’t work on the services and there are other people that you’re in contact with. Instead, if you walk or cycle you can benefit from getting a bit of exercise in your day and fresh air.

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